Our Services


    Individual Personal Training | Women Only

    One-on-One training with a coach for 1 hour allows for personal connection and communication as you go about your fitness journey.

    Online Personal Training available upon request.

    Buddy Personal Training | Women / Women & Significant Other

    Want to train with your significant other? Or, come train with a girl-friend! Buddy Personal Training allows for face-to-face coaching for 1 hour with another person you want to share your fitness journey with.


    Group Fitness Classes are a great way to connect with your community, make friends, and improve overall fitness. Classes vary in intensity and specific fitness goals to ensure your workout time is well-spent. Build your fitness journey support system by joining a class!

    Follow us on Instagram (@etal.strength and Facebook (Et Al. Strength - Fitness Training) for updates and details.

    — How to sign up for a class —

    You can purchase/reserve a spot for a class on this website!